The Problem.
Large companies typically employ one or more in-house general counsel to guide them in real time on a strategic course through the law’s rules and pitfalls.
Small and midsized companies do not always have that luxury, and they lose the benefit of the powerful tools the law provides to manage risk, pursue intelligent growth, and capitalize on opportunities. The results of that disparity are revealed in a company’s profits or losses and, often, its success or failure.
The Solution.
The General Counsel Initiative provides businesses with an on-demand, outside general counsel who, operating within defined budgetary limits, coordinates the multi-disciplinary legal and related services every business needs, and serves as a primary point of contact for pertinent information, practical advice and real-world solutions.
The advantages: companies without in-house general counsel can, cost effectively, minimize legal issues, make informed decisions, utilize the power of the law to their maximum advantage, and level the playing field they share with larger competitors.